August 3, 2023

Keeping it tight with Astro.

For a number of years, my personal site has been built on Next.js. I recently decided I wanted to start writing independently (so that I can randomly lob my thoughts out into the internets), and so I embarked on the journey of adding MDX blogging to my existing Next.js 13 site.

I quickly ran into Next.js yelling at me about adding "use client" or something (probably my fault), and decided that the complexities of server and client components – and the fat client-side bundle Next.js ships by default – just wasn’t worth it for something fundamentally as simple as my portfolio/blog site.

Tight like skinny

So, say hello to my little friend: Astro. Astro is a relatively new web framework with a fundamentally different value proposition than the rest of them: you can use your favorite frontend framework as a backend templating language, and ship client-side framework code only when you really need it (e.g. when an interactive component comes into the viewport).

For me, it’s basically the perfect framework for building my personal site. I can use Preact or Svelte for templating or when I want to make interactive components, but ship nearly zero client-side JS on pages where nothing crazy is going on. For example, here’s my home page:

Home page with devtools network tab open, no JS files shown

See that? No JS! If you scroll down a bit, some light Preact + component code will load in asynchronously to handle a bit of user interaction, but it’s only loaded when it’s actually needed. This keeps shit mean and lean. The thing is, there are so many sites that don’t really require that much client-side JS, but developers (including myself) do prefer to use the modern frontend tooling to build out the sites. Astro strikes a nice balance.

Tight like fun

Astro, to a degree, was built for making content-driven sites – and excels at making static sites like this one. There are a lot of things that come nearly for free, which makes the developer experience really enjoyable:

  • Just run npx astro add preact or npx astro add svelte etc to add integration with your favorite frontend framework.
  • Adding TailwindCSS is as easy as npx astro add tailwind.
  • It supports MDX out of the box with some niceties like code highlighting, which is lovely for a developer authoring nerd content.
  • It handles image optimization for you (to a degree). With a tiny bit of code, you can actually leverage Astro’s image optimization pipeline to generate AVIFs and WebPs for you, and serve the right one to the right browser.
  • And a lot more.

Most of the building blocks for building a performant, content-driven site are there – you just have to put them together as you see fit. You don’t have to slog through a ton of boring stuff, like configuring every bit of your Markdown/remark/rehype toolchain or manually writing code to have sharp make next-gen formats of your images.

Tight like cool

Markdown-driven authoring workflows are pretty popular, but there’s a limit to what you can do with Markdown alone. MDX has hit the scene and allowed the addition of frontend components to Markdown – basically indefinitely expanding your horizons (if you try hard enough).

Astro treats MDX as a first-class citizen, and you can add frontend components from most of the top frameworks to your MDX. This is cool, because you could add Svelte examples in a post about Svelte, and React examples in a post about React.

Like, here’s an example.

I'm a Preact component! Here's the time.

12:39:23 PM

The code for this component only loads once it’s in viewport. All you have to do is write the component, and then have some MDX that looks like this:

import { Counter } from "@components/posts/tight-with-astro/Counter";
Oh hey there, check out my cool component:
<Counter client:visible />

That’s all you need to sprinkle in some interactivity.

Adding some pizzazz to code blocks

Astro supports Prism.js and Shiki code highlighting in markdown out of the box. It uses a pretty standard unified/remark/rehype configuration so you can customize it to the gills.

This allows a nerd like me to use one of my favorite code highlighting tools: Shiki Twoslash. What the hell is that, you might be wondering. Well, Twoslash is a Shiki extension that allows you to tap into the TypeScript language server to decorate your TS code blocks with actual type information by adding small little comments like // ^? or // @errors: 2339. Here’s an example:

// Can show type information
const isSmall = 2 < 3;
const isSmall: boolean
// or compiler errors
const bigNumber = (100).addAThousand();
Property 'addAThousand' does not exist on type '100'.2339Property 'addAThousand' does not exist on type '100'.

This is a neat way to make TypeScript code examples a bit more engaging. In fact, this is the tool that the TypeScript documentation itself uses for it’s illustrative examples!

TailwindCSS for the win

I’m a huge TailwindCSS fan (for many reasons), and using it on a site like this is a real joy. Very easy to support dark mode, can use the @apply directive to style up Shiki code blocks (the syntax highlighting is driven by my TailwindCSS theme!), and the typography plugin is effectively a drop-in for making prose like this look great by just adding a few classes.

Dynamic Open Graph images

Vercel has a whole product around dynamically-generated Open Graph images. Which makes sense, because Open Graph images are critically important when sharing content across platforms – but they can be annoying to manually generate at scale.

Using node-canvas, some drawing commands, and a dynamic Astro route, I was able to generate Open Graph images for my posts on the fly. Here’s an example output:

Open Graph image for this post

These images are now generated based on the title and publication date for all blog posts without future effort. Yay for automation!

Try it yourself

Astro is dead simple to get started with. Just run a:

yarn create astro

and the Astro CLI will walk you through some options and get you rolling. If you want to start with a little more structure, there are quite a few beautiful, premade themes you can try on for size.